updated: Jan 06, 2025
Please feel free to leave suggestions, critical notes, etc. via hypothes.is comments (see Annotation sidebar tab on the top-right of your screen) and I’ll make sure to add these to the main text.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59350/6zvzt-94273
Table of Contents
- BigBlueButton — video alternative for teaching, learning, collaboration in projects, etc.
- EduMeet — alternative for video conferencing, collaboration in projects, etc.
- Kmeet — alternative run by ethical Swiss hoster Infomaniak
- Unhangout — open source video/chat alternative focusing on group-based breakout sessions
- Misc. Open Source video alternatives for teaching: PeerTube — open source alternative to video streaming platforms such as Youtube, Vimeo
- CryptPad — text-based collaboration, alternative to GoogleDocs
- CokoDocs – text-based collaboration, alternative to gDocs
- Etherpad — text-based collaboration / notetaking
- HedgeDoc (formerly HackMD / CodiMD) — Markdown-based collaborative writing / notetaking
- ExcaliDraw – open-source collaborative whiteboard tool
- Polling/Date finder/Scheduler — open-source alternative to Doodle
- Git-based versioning platforms – community-run, non-commercial, self-hosted
- Jitsi Meet – User- and/or community-run jitsi instances — video meeting / conferencing alternative to proprietary/commercial solutions such as Zoom
- jitsi Africa: South Africa, Tunisia
- jitsi Asia: India, Sri Lanka, Thailand
- jitsi Europe: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK / GB
- jitsi South & North America: Canada, United States, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, El Salvador
Open Source video alternative for teaching purposes: BigBlueButton
BigBlueButton has a selection of useful features tailored for those teaching online seminars and classes. Next to that, we’ve also been using it for a variety of conferences, project meetings, etc.:
- Shared whiteboard (multi-user enabled)
- Shared notes (via minimalist text editor)
- Public and private messaging options
- Session recording support
- Ability to group users for team collaboration via Breakout rooms
- Polling options available
- Screen sharing
- Provides an API for easy integration on web applications
- Frontend UI via Greenlight plugin, configurable for your own server.
Community-run instances:
- https://senfcall.de
- https://meeten.statt-drosseln.de/b
- https://bbb.cyber4edu.org
- https://bbb.hostsharing.net
- https://bbb.linxx.net (test install, but runs stable)
- https://bbb.stura.uni-heidelberg.de/b
- https://bbb.piratensommer.de/b (registration required, see notes)
- https://bbb.faimaison.net/b
- https://bbb.bluit.de/b (Binary Kitchen e.V. – Hackspace Regensburg)
- https://videoconf.defis.info/b
- https://bbb.wsweet.cloud/b
- https://blabla.aquilenet.fr/b
- https://visio.myceliandre.fr/b
Misc. Open Source video alternatives for teaching
- https://app.classroomscreen.com/ (shared whiteboard with collab. apps to share links, comments, etc.)
- https://meetzi.de/ – Combination of Jitsi Meet, Etherpad and Whiteboard
- https://www.org.meet.coop/ – “The Online Meeting Co-operative is a meeting and conferencing platform powered by BigBlueButton, stewarded by our Operational Members from across the world.”
Open Source video conferencing alternative: EduMeet
Alternative open-source approach to Jitsi Meet and BigBlueButton, based on WebRTC and mediasoup.
Supported by GÈANT (demo service used to be available at https://edumeet.geant.org, now offline) as part of the European Open Science Cloud scoping efforts, listed in EOSCSynergy and on the EOSC Marketplace.
📃 ➡️ Plain-text list of existing Edumeet servers (2023-01-22, 7 servers): 20230122-edumeet-list-7-servers.txt
- GitHub repo: https://github.com/edumeet/edumeet
- Landing page: https://edumeet.org
- Part of the EOSC-Synergy Learning Platform (in development): https://learn.eosc-synergy.eu/videoconference/
In order to create a complete communication and fully functional solution that can meet the expectations of the scientific and research communities, enhanced functional features were designed, in particular:
- WebRTC audio/video communication;
- screen sharing, file sharing and chat feature;
- federated login, including eduGAIN;
- speaker detection (microphone analyser with visual indicator);
- audio and video streams management ;
- full-screen mode, raise hand option, connection testing;
- customizable view layout (democratic and filmstrip);
- high resolution support (tested up to 4K).
URL | Run by | SSL Test | Server location |
https://lets.teamjoin.de | AdminForge | run SSL check! | Hetzner Online GmbH |
URL | Run by | SSL Test | Server location |
https://mm.cedrc.cnr.it | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Ufficio ICT-SAC | run SSL check! | Consortium GARR |
https://edu.meet.garr.it | GARR | run SSL check! | Consortium GARR |
https://edumeeting.area.fi.cnr.it | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Area di Ricerca di Firenze | run SSL check! | Consortium GARR |
URL | Run by | SSL Test | Server location |
https://letsmeet.no | UNINETT | run SSL check! | UNINETT AS |
https://usually.in | run SSL check! | NTE Broadband |
URL | Run by | SSL Test | Server location |
EOSCSynergy | run SSL check! | Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy of Science, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center PSNC |
Open Source video alternative: Kmeet
A customised as well as optimised fork of jitsi, run by the good folks at Infomaniak, an ethical Swiss hoster.
Open Source video / chat alternative: Unhangout (by MIT)
Description: Unhangout is an open source platform for running large-scale, participant-driven events online.
Each event has a landing page, which we call the lobby. When participants arrive, they can see who else is there and chat with each other. Hosts can welcome their community and do introductions in a video window that gets streamed into the lobby. Participants can then join breakouts, which are small group video chats, for in-depth conversations, peer-to-peer learning, and collaboration on projects.
- Main URL: https://unhangout.media.mit.edu/
- See also: webinar series “Unhangout for Educators” https://u4e.media.mit.edu/
Open Source alternative to video streaming platforms such as Youtube, Vimeo
PeerTube, developed by the good folks at FramaSoft, is a free software that, once installed on a server, generates a video hosting platform. This platform can be federated, to share its video catalog with other PeerTube platforms and the larger #fediverse. It also provides a resilient video broadcasting system, which combines peer-to-peer and traditional streaming.
A list of more than 900 instances that run Peertube can be found at: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
Open Source alternative to GoogleDocs, etc.: CryptPad
official: https://cryptpad.fr/
- community-hosted @ Freifunk Hamburg: https://pad.hamburg.freifunk.net
- community-hosted @ CCC Switzerland: https://cryptpad.ccc-ch.ch
- community-hosted @ CCC Mannheim: https://cryptpad.ccc-mannheim.de
- community-hosted @ Faelix: https://cryptpad.faelix.net
- community-hosted @ Digitalcourage: https://cryptpad.digitalcourage.de
- community-hosted @ MetaGer:
- community-hosted @ PiratenPartei: https://cryptpad.piratenpartei.de
- community-hosted @ RaspberryBlog: https://cryptpad.raspberryblog.de
- community-hosted @ UberSpace: https://cryptpad.uber.space
- community-hosted @ allmende.io: https://drive.allmende.io
- community-hosted @ CCC Wien: https://pads.c3w.at
💡 For more alternatives to Google services, see the excellent DeGoogle list maintained by Josh Moore: https://web.archive.org/web/20220727130553/https://degoogle.jmoore.dev/, and GitHub repo
Open Source alternative to GoogleDocs for collaborative writing: CokoDocs
CokoDocs is an open-source, collaborative web-based Word Processor, developed and run by the amazing folks at Coko Foundation.
Compared to Etherpad (see below), CokoDocs has a richer set of features.
See https://cokodocs.net/ and try their Beta at https://beta.cokodocs.net

Open Source alternative to GoogleDocs for collaborative writing: Etherpad
… see the Etherpad Lite GitHub Wiki and https://etherpad.org for more details.
➡ make sure to also check the Etherpad Lite list of sites that run Etherpad Lite.
- community-hosted @ The Carpentries: https://pad.carpentries.org
- community-hosted @ RiseUp: https://pad.riseup.net
- community-hosted @ Wikimedia: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org
- community-hosted @ Disroot: https://pad.disroot.org
- community-hosted @ CCC: https://pads.ccc.de
- community-hosted @ CCC Aachen (C3AC): https://pads.aachen.ccc.de
- community-hosted @ CCC Dresden (C3D2): https://pentapad.c3d2.de
- community-hosted @ CCC Mannheim (C3MA): https://pad.ccc-mannheim.de
- community-hosted @ Systemli.org: https://pad.systemli.org
- community-hosted @ fairkom (AT): https://board.net
- community-hosted @ Framasoft: https://framapad.org/en
- community-hosted @ Infini: https://pad.infini.fr
- community-hosted @ Picasoft: https://pad.picasoft.net
- community-hosted @ German Federal Youth Council DBJR / jugend.beteiligen.jetzt – für die Praxis digitaler Partizipation: https://yopad.eu
- community-hosted @ Mafiasi (Informatik Fachschaft UHH): https://ep.mafiasi.de
- community-hosted @ Piratenpartei Sachsen: https://pad.piratensommer.de
- community-hosted @ Informatik FU Berlin: https://pad.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de
- community-hosted @ ASTA Uni Osnabrück: https://www.asta.uni-osnabrueck.de/etherpad/
Open Source alternative to GoogleDocs for markdown-based collaborative writing: HackMD/CodiMD, now HedgeDoc
- SAAS: HackMD https://hackmd.io/
- FOSS fork: CodiMD, GitHub repo: https://github.com/hackmdio/codimd
- Documentation: https://hackmd.io/c/codimd-documentation
- CodiMD renamed to Hedgedoc: https://community.codimd.org/t/codimd-becomes-hedgedoc/170
- Hedgedoc fork: GitHub repo – SAAS: HedgeDoc https://demo.hedgedoc.org/
- hosted by GWDG with federated login for the German HEI community (login required): https://pad.gwdg.de/
- Connect to a random HedgeDoc instance: https://hedgedoc.random-redirect.de/
- Community-run HedgeDoc instances @ (use “new guest note”):
Open source collaborative whiteboard: Excalidraw
Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams
Official: https://excalidraw.com
GitHub: https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw
Twitter: @excalidraw
Misc. Open Source Date-Finding / Polling alternatives to Doodle
An open-source polling/scheduling tool focusing on privacy, run by French non-profit Framasoft
Source: https://framadate.org
- community-hosted @ GC Project: https://framadate.ggc-project.de
- community-hosted @ DigitalCourage e.V.: https://nuudel.digitalcourage.de
- community-hosted @ RollenspielMonster: https://poll.rollenspiel.monster
- community-hosted @ Verein zur Förderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes e.V. (DFN): https://terminplaner4.dfn.de & https://terminplaner6.dfn.de
Git-based versioning platforms
Gitea — “a community-managed lightweight code hosting solution written in Go”. https://gitea.io/
Forgejo — an open fork of gitea, see
- https://forgejo.org/
- and their open letter explaining the decision to start a new fork of gitea: https://gitea-open-letter.coding.social/
SourceHut — https://sourcehut.org/
User- and/or community-run jit.si instances
as decentralized additive approach to lessen the load on https://meet.jit.si/
You can use DNS Lookup, GeoIP Lookup, and KeyCDN Geo Tool to find out more about each server’s location.
✨✨ Official Servers
- 🔗 https://meet.jit.si/ — 📞
- 🔗 https://8×8.vc/
✨🧰 User- and/or community-run jit.si instances by country
(feel free to add other servers you know of via hypothes.is comments (see commentary feature on the right-hand side)
📃 ➡️ Server list, text file: 2021-12-26, 195 servers
➡️ ➡️ … and the Community Wiki on GitHub
🖥️ ➡️ Jitsi Monitor “… monitors all known public Jitsi Meet instances for ping times and TLS quality”: Guardianproject/JitsiMonitor and JitsiMonitor on GitLab
🌟🖥️ ➡️ Jitsi Meter “… Helping with the decision of which instance of Jitsi to use. An list of public Jitsi Meet instances sorted for ping times and TLS quality in relation to the user’s location: JitsiMeter and JitsiMeter Repo
🖥️ ➡️🖥️ Jitsi Admin – central admin and management interface for Jitsi server setups. Project website and GitHub repo
🌟🌟 special feature: auto-forwarding to a random jitsi-Server — jitsi.random-redirect.de —– How does it work? check out the GitHub repo
📲📲 Next to its native webclient interface, Jitsi Meet is now also available as
- an open-source Jitsi desktop app, see Jitsi Meet Electron for Desktop (Windows, Mac, and Linux clients available)
- a mobile app, find it in the Google Play Store, the Apple Store, or the F-Droid Store.
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
easyconference.uibk.ac.at | ✅ | run SSL check! | University of Innsbruck | |
meet.epicenter.works | ✅ | run SSL check! | Nessus GmbH | |
fairmeeting.net | ✅ | run SSL check! | ||
pro.fairmeeting.net | ✅ | run SSL check! | ||
meet.graz.social | ✅ | run SSL check! |
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
meet.naveksoft.com | ✅ | run SSL check! | Navek Soft & Mobile Service LTD |
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
jitsi-1.belnet.be | ✅ | run SSL check! | BELNET | |
praatbox.be | run SSL check! |
Czech Republic
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
meet.vpsfree.cz | ✅ | run SSL check! | Master Internet s.r.o. |
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
jitsi.riot.im | ✅ | run SSL check! | UpCloud Ltd, hosted by New Vector on behalf of the Matrix.org Foundation |
France (partly sourced viaURL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
allo.bim.land | ✅ | SSL check | ILOTH | |
blabla.dedidream.com | SSL check | Online S.a.s. | ||
conf.conf.domainepublic.net | ✅ | SSL check | Bouygues Telecom SA | |
conf.underworld.fr | ✅ | SSL check | Bouygues Telecom SA | |
meet.kbu.freifunk.net | run SSL check! | Online S.a.s. | ||
suricate.tv | run SSL check! | Online S.a.s. | ||
jump.chat | run SSL check! | Online S.a.s. | ||
jitsi.cheezecake.ovh | ✅ | SSL check | Online S.A.S. | |
jitsi.hadoly.fr | ✅ | SSL check | Grenode | |
jitsi.hivane.net | ✅ | SSL check | Hivane | |
jitsi.milkywan.fr | ✅ | SSL check | MilkyWan | |
jitsi.nextmap.io | ✅ | SSL check | NXT Initiative SAS | |
jitsi.q2r.net | ✅ | SSL check | Online S.a.s. | |
jitsi.tetaneutral.net | ✅ | SSL check | Tetaneutral.net | |
jitsi.videodulib.re | SSL check | Tetaneutral.net | ||
meet.artifaille.fr | SSL check | |||
meet.digdeo.fr | SSL check | OVH SAS | ||
meet.evolix.org | SSL check | Evolix SARL | ||
meet.lenalio.fr | SSL check | Oceanet Technology SAS | ||
meet.tedomum.net | ✅ | SSL check | Online S.a.s. | |
meet.yapbreak.fr | ✅ | SSL check | OVH SAS | |
meeting.rezopole.net | ⁉ | SSL check | Rezopole A.D. | |
rendez-vous.renater.fr | ✅ | SSL check | Renater | |
jitsi.debamax.com | ✅ | run SSL check! | Online S.a.s. | |
talk.fdn.fr | SSL check | Association Gitoyen | ||
talk.ouvaton.coop | ✅ | SSL check | Inulogic Sarl | |
jitsi.laas.fr | SSL check | |||
video.devloprog.org | SSL check | Bouygues Telecom SA | ||
video.omicro.org | SSL check | OVH SAS | ||
jitsi.komuniki.fr | SSL check | OVH SAS | ||
visio.lafranceinsoumise.fr | SSL check | Online S.a.s. | ||
webconf.viviers-fibre.net | ✅ | SSL check | OVH SAS | |
vidconf.tech4good.ch | SSL check |
special cases (limited access)
➡️ ➡️ for a subset collected by the folks at Chaos Computer Club, see pads.ccc.de/jitsiliste
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
meet.ffmuc.net | ✅ | ❌ (only Frontend no videotraffic through CF) |
run SSL check! | CLOUDFLARENET |
besprechung.net | SSL check | Host Europe GmbH | ||
meet.physnet.uni-hamburg.de | SSL check | |||
meet.rexum.space | SSL check | |||
meet.in-berlin.de | SSL check | |||
meet.jotbe.io | SSL check | |||
meet.nerd.re | SSL check | Contabo GmbH | ||
framatalk.org | ✅ | SSL check | Hetzner Online GmbH | |
freejitsi01.netcup.net | SSL check | netcup GmbH | ||
jitsi.arl.wtf | ✅ | SSL check | fux eG | |
jitsi.debian.social | SSL check | Hetzner Online GmbH | ||
jitsi.dorf-post.de | SSL check | |||
jitsi.fem.tu-ilmenau.de | ✅ | SSL check | DFN | |
jitsi.flyingcircus.io | ✅ | SSL check | KAMP Netzwerkdienste GmbH | |
jitsi.freifunk-duesseldorf.de | ✅ | SSL check | Freifunk Duesseldorf e.V. | |
jitsi.hamburg.ccc.de | ✅ | SSL check | Hetzner Online GmbH | |
jitsi.komun.org | SSL check | Contabo GmbH | ||
jitsi.linux.it | ✅ | SSL check | Hetzner Online GmbH | |
jitsi.netways.de | ✅ | SSL check | NETWAYS GmbH | |
jitsi.osna.social | ✅ | SSL check | Verein zur Foerderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes e.V. | |
jitsi.piratenpartei-duesseldorf.de | SSL check | Contabo GmbH | ||
jitsi.sixtopia.net | SSL check | Alexej Senderkin | ||
jitsi.uni-kl.de | SSL check | Technische Universitaet Kaiserslautern | ||
jitsi.zfn.uni-bremen.de | SSL check | DFN | ||
konferenz.netzbegruenung.de | ✅ — 📞 | SSL check | Hetzner Online GmbH | |
meet.adminforge.de | ✅ | SSL check | Hetzner Online GmbH | |
meet.alpha.berlin | ✅ | SSL check | manitu GmbH | |
meet.alps.one | SSL check | Hetzner Online GmbH | ||
meet.cybercyber.digital | SSL check | Hetzner Online GmbH | ||
jitsi.stura.htwk-leipzig.de | ✅ | SSL check | DFN | |
meet.darmstadt.social | ✅ | SSL check | netcup GmbH | |
meet.ffrn.de | SSL check | Hetzner Online GmbH | ||
meet.ffbrb.de | ✅ | SSL check | Hetzner Online GmbH | |
meet.freifunk-aachen.de | SSL check | RelAix Networks GmbH | ||
meet.freifunk-rhein-sieg.net | ✅ | SSL check | Hetzner Online GmbH | |
meet.golem.de | SSL check | Hetzner Online GmbH | ||
meet.hackerspace-bremen.de | SSL check | |||
meet.hasi.it | SSL check | Hetzner Online GmbH | ||
meet.isf.es | ✅ | SSL check | Hetzner Online GmbH | |
meet.jugendrecht.org | SSL check | Hetzner Online GmbH | ||
meet.kobschaetzki.de | SSL check | myLoc managed IT AG | ||
meet.lrz.de | ✅ | SSL check | Leibniz-Rechenzentrum | |
meet.lug-stormarn.de | ✅ | SSL check | ||
meet.meerfarbig.net | SSL check | meerfarbig GmbH & Co. KG | ||
meet.no42.org | SSL check | 1&1 Ionos Se | ||
meet.opensuse.org | SSL check | |||
meet.piratenpartei-sh.de | SSL check | ISPpro Internet KG | ||
meet.roflcopter.fr | ✅ | SSL check | Hetzner Online GmbH | |
meet.rollenspiel.monster | ✅ | SSL check | Hetzner Online GmbH | |
meet.scheible.it | ✅ | SSL check | Hetzner Online GmbH | |
meet2.scheible.it | ✅ | SSL check | Hetzner Online GmbH | |
meet3.scheible.it | ✅ | SSL check | Hetzner Online GmbH | |
meet.schnuud.de | ✅ | SSL check | Hetzner Online GmbH | |
meet.stura.uni-heidelberg.de | ✅ | SSL check | ||
meet.systemli.org | ✅ | SSL check | Digitale Partizipation e.V. | |
meet.weimarnetz.de | SSL check | Foerderverein Freie Netzwerke e.V. | ||
teamjoin.de | ✅ | SSL check | Hetzner Online GmbH | |
vc.autistici.org | ✅ | SSL check | Hetzner Online GmbH | |
viko.extinctionrebellion.de | ✅ | SSL check | SysEleven GmbH | |
webmeeting.opensolution.it | SSL check | DIGITALOCEAN-ASN | ||
virtual.chaosdorf.space | SSL check | |||
jitsi.eichstaett.social | run SSL check! | Severloft GmbH | ||
konferenz.buehl.digital | run SSL check! | |||
meet.stuvus.uni-stuttgart.de | run SSL check! | Universität Stuttgart | ||
jitsi.php-friends.de | run SSL check! | PhP-Friends GmbH | ||
meet.studiumdigitale.uni-frankfurt.de | ✅ | run SSL check! | Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt am Main | |
onlinetreff.ash-berlin.eu | ✅ | run SSL check! | netcup GmbH | |
meet.nerd.re | ✅ | run SSL check! | Hetzner Online GmbH | |
meet.bjoernhaendler.de | ✅ | run SSL check! | netcup GmbH | |
jitsi.mpi-bremen.de | ✅ – 📞 | run SSL check! | Verein zur Foerderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes e.V. | |
meet.rdi.zimt.uni-siegen.de | ✅ | run SSL check! | Verein zur Foerderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes e.V. | |
meet.ur.de | ✅ | run SSL check! | Verein zur Foerderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes e.V. | |
jitsi-01.csn.tu-chemnitz.de | ✅ | run SSL check! | Verein zur Foerderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes e.V. | |
jitsi.folkwang-uni.de | ✅ | run SSL check! | Verein zur Foerderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes e.V. | |
jitsi.hs-nb.de | ✅ | run SSL check! | Verein zur Foerderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes e.V. |
special cases (limited access, mostly HEI)
- https://jitsi.tu-dresden.de — DFN (valid TU Dresden account is required for creating new rooms)
- https://meet.b-tu.de — DFN (valid BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg account is required for creating new rooms)
- https://meet.lrz.de/ — valid Münchner Wissenschaftsnetz account is required for creating new rooms
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
jitsi.area.fi.cnr.it | run SSL check! | Consortium GARR | ||
jitsi.cedrc.cnr.it | run SSL check! | Consortium GARR | ||
smaug.lixper.it | run SSL check! | Telecom Italia | ||
iorestoacasa.unicam.it | run SSL check! | Consortium GARR | ||
balin.siriustec.it | run SSL check! | Sirius Technology SRL | ||
open.meet.garr.it | run SSL check! | Consortium GARR |
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
beeldbellen.vc4all.nl | run SSL check! | Transip B.V. | ||
jitsi.tuxis.net | run SSL check! | |||
meet.greenmini.host | run SSL check! | |||
meetme.bit.nl | ✅ | run SSL check! | BIT BV | |
calls.disroot.org | ✅ | run SSL check! | Serverius Holding B.V. | |
jitsi.hivos.org | run SSL check! | WorldStream B.V. | ||
meet.waag.org | run SSL check! | |||
jitsi.nluug.nl | ✅ | run SSL check! | ProcoliX B.V. | |
vdc.dyne.org | run SSL check! | |||
meet.greenhost.net | run SSL check! | |||
meet.speakup.nl | run SSL check! | |||
video.linxx.net | ✅ | run SSL check! | Hetzner Online GmbH |
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
jitsipodcast.linuxtech.pt | ✅ | run SSL check! |
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
Russian Federation
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
conf.edu-kuban.ru | run SSL check! | |||
jitsi.ufanet.ru | run SSL check! |
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
meet.guifi.net | ✅ | run SSL check! | Fundacio Privada per a la Xarxa Lliure, Oberta i Neutral, guifi.net | |
videoconferencia.valenciatech.com | ✅ | run SSL check! | VALENCIATECH – Servicios de Informática con Software Libre – Administración y provisión de servidores GNU/Linux. |
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
jitsi.brainmill.com | run SSL check! | Stiftelsen Chalmers Studenthem | ||
meet.operationtulip.com | run SSL check! | Bahnhof AB |
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
swiss-meet.hidora.com | run SSL check! | HIDORA | ||
vidconf.tech4good.ch | ✅ | run SSL check! | VTX Services SA | |
www.free-solutions.org | ✅ | run SSL check! | VTX Services SA | |
swisschat.free-solutions.org | ✅ | run SSL check! | VTX Services SA | |
tel.free-solutions.org | ✅ | run SSL check! | VTX Services SA | |
eelo.free-solutions.org | ✅ | run SSL check! | VTX Services SA | |
noalyss.free-solutions.org | ✅ | run SSL check! | VTX Services SA | |
meet.infomaniak.com | run SSL check! | |||
jitsi.math.uzh.ch | run SSL check! | SWITCH | ||
jitsi.ff3l.net | run SSL check! | Init7 | ||
hosttech.chat | run SSL check! | |||
meet.cyon.tools | run SSL check! | |||
meet.init7.net | run SSL check! | Init 7 AG | ||
meet.hostpoint.ch | run SSL check! | Hostpoint AG | ||
meet.coredump.ch | ✅ | run SSL check! | Nine Internet Solutions AG |
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
South & North America
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
jitsi.unp.edu.ar | ✅ | run SSL check! | Red de Interconexion Universitaria | |
jitsi.uner.edu.ar | ✅ | run SSL check! | Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios | |
jitsi.hostcero.com | run SSL check! | Servicios y Telecomunicaciones S.A. | ||
jitsi.justiciajujuy.gov.ar | run SSL check! | Telecom Argentina S.A. |
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
conference.facil.services | ✅ | run SSL check! | OVH SAS | |
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
El Salvador
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
United States
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
gruveo.com | ✅ | ❌ | run SSL check! | AMAZON-AES |
meet.jit.si | ❌ | run SSL check! | AMAZON-02 | |
meet.mayfirst.org | ✅ | run SSL check! | HURRICANE | |
team.video | ✅ | run SSL check! | HURRICANE | |
swrtc.talky.io | ❌ | run SSL check! | AMAZON-02 | |
jitsi.member.fsf.org/ | ✅ | run SSL check! | Free Software Foundation |
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
South Africa
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
noumeet.com | ✅ | ❌ | run SSL check! | Teraco Johannesburg |
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
Sri Lanka
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
meet.gov.lk | run SSL check! | Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka |
URL | Non-Google STUN/TURN |
On Amazon, Google, Cloudflare or Microsoft |
SSL Test | hoster |
vroom.truevirtualworld.com | run SSL check! |
Some additional bits & pieces …
- (in German): https://www.golem.de/news/homeoffice-videokonferenzen-auf-eigenen-servern-mit-jitsi-meet-2003-147239.html
- Why open infrastructure? https://flavoursofopen.science/teaching-practices-and-values-of-open-science-and-scholarship-needs-open-infrastructure
- (in German) Jitsi und Big Blue Button beim Deutschlandfunk – https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/jitsi-und-big-blue-button-open-source-angebote-fuer.684.de.html?dram:article_id=476375
Jitsi use advice:
- use chromium / Chrome — for those not wanting to install Google Chrome, you might consider using Iridium or Brave instead.
- if not really necessary, have most participants use audio-only, in many settings it is not necessary that all people are visible. Turning video off helps safe bandwith
Jitsi setup advice:
- Base on Github: https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/blob/master/doc/quick-install.md
- hosting on AWS: https://dev.to/noandrea/self-hosted-jitsi-server-with-authentication-ie7
- CentOS: https://wiki.opensourceecology.org/wiki/Jitsi
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS: https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/how-to-create-your-own-video-conference-using-jitsi-meet-on-ubuntu-1804/
- Docker: https://github.com/jitsi/docker-jitsi-meet
- …
Community-run open source tools for video, text, and code collaboration by Tobias Steiner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.